Focus and Getting Things Done

Recently, talking with a friend of mine, he told me of a question he posed to many people. What is your philosophy in life? His was straightforward, but another one he relayed from a friend was “what’s important right now?”

This brought up the related thought that to do anything well, to master it, you have to truly focus on it. What you are doing is what’s important right now, until it’s time to do something else, and you should pour yourself into it 100%.

Then it hit me that one side-effect of time-management and task-management systems like the Franklin Covey planners, “Getting Things Done“, and “Autofocus,” wasn’t just to manage your time, but to allow you to focus on the priorities at hand. Writing down what needs to be done and filing it in a way that the tasks will pop up when it’s the time or place to do them allows you to stop worrying or thinking about what you need to remember or may be forgetting, and makes it easier to focus on the job at hand.

I had never considered it from the standpoint of applying focus to achieve mastery of a process or skill. Not only do they let you know what commitments you can make, and what needs to be done, but you can leverage the time spent in organizing your life to get what you’re doing done even quicker by taking advantage of the opportunity to focus on “what’s important right now.”

Just a thought.

Industry Trends and In-House Servers

Looking back over the last several years, several things have changed. One definite trend that has shown up over the last couple years has been that of smaller offices and businesses getting away from in-house servers.

I guess you can blame it on the “cloud.” Or at the very least, the fact that for many of the reasons people felt they needed a server, they are still better served by a “cloud” based service, or leasing one offsite.

What are the use cases? What are the pros and cons?

Most of my clients use servers for the following reasons:

  • Email (often exchange)
  • File sharing
  • Shared printers.
  • Custom, served applications (remote desktop or server-client programs like accounting or CRM applications)
  • User and security management

Now, to be utterly honest, when you look at the cost differential over the years, even factoring in typically higher oversight and support costs for in-house servers, you will probably spend more for hosted or cloud based services after three years than you will on an in-house box, but that doesn’t mean it’s a bad value. For one, many of the cloud-based services use standard formats that make it easy to get your data back out and migrate it elsewhere if needed, so lock-in is minimal. For two, though you may pay a few percent more, you usually have the option to quit at any time if flexibility is paramount. Last, unlike a typical small office somewhere relying on their DSL or cable provider, you can often get far more responsive and reliable connectivity to your services while out of the office than you do with an in-house server, without the added headaches of configuring firewalls or VPN’s.

Additionally, with in house servers, your data is absolutely yours, and always (unless stolen, you do keep a copy offsite somewhere, right?) available to you.

So let’s look at some substitutes for in-house servers.


If people are storing email in house, it’s almost certainly on an Exchange server. There’s a lot of good things I can say about the capabilities of Exchange, but given that 80% of what smaller companies use exchange for (email, shared calendars, delegation of email roles) can be handled by the free version of Google Apps, there’s not much reason to stick with Exchange just to have in your email.

If you really, really need exchange, there are also hosted exchange providers like Intermedia who, among other things, provide full Blackberry integration and wireless sync.

All of these are free, or at a reasonable cost compared to licensing and maintaining an exchange store, and they’re accessible from anywhere, on any device.

File Sharing

If you don’t have absolutely huge amounts of data, It’s possible to lease some space online using shared Dropbox or Jungledisk “workgroup” accounts, and then share your files with your office no matter where you are. Both allow you to access your files from the web in an emergency, and Dropbox even has mobile apps for the Android and iPhone. 

When it comes to backing up your data, Dropbox stores the last 30 days of changes to your files, while Jungledisk allows you to not only back up your shared files, but as many computers as you’re willing to cover by simply setting aside the space needed to cover your backup needs.

Speaking of backups, you also have Mozy, which allows you to create both local and remote backups of any computer or even server in your office, thus reducing the need for a server just for backups.

Shared Printers

Networkable printers are relatively cheap, and most network capable printers can easily be detected and setup using some variant of zeroconfig (Bonjour for macs, and downloadable for Windows). Most smaller offices don’t change printer setups that often, don’t need to manage user access or permissions for said printers, and don’t change the network often enough to justify buying a server to set up printer sharing. They also don’t have enough of them to need a central directory to find them all.

Custom Applications

In a lot of cases, server-client configurations are so network intensive that putting them on their own server is often a necessity anyway, and with VPN performance being totally unworkable, the best solution is often to bite the bullet and just run the program under terminal services for everyone. Again, this almost always requires a separate machine. 

At that point, checking out a hosted application provider like Trapp Online for a small handful of users suddenly gets much more attractive. Where reliability and availability are absolutely paramount (accountants across a number of states, etc., and needing to maintain operations even with local disasters and hurricanes), the availability and high grade internet connections of the better hosted providers justifies the higher long-term price tag for even larger numbers of users.

User Management

This is where hosted service still fail. While most of them are very good about letting you control security and user access, spreading out your services across a number of providers complicates administration, application, and tracking of passwords.

But then, if you’ve got 50 or more users, you probably still have very good reasons to need your own in-house server, including the employee base to justify it and a better ability to handle the IT overhead. You also will likely need the fine-grained control that buying your own servers gives you – even if only making it far, far easier to maintain security and antivirus software.

 Summing it All Up

For many smaller businesses, the advances of modern internet-based services, and the need for mobility and access to information even when not at the office make hosted or cloud solutions a great value when you consider the lower startup costs, and the gains in flexibility and power. It’s far from a universal fit, but keep it in mind.

My Experiment with Chrome

Chrome, is the rather nifty browser from Google that is also being used as the foundation of the “ChromeOS” based netbooks that will be coming out. 

In the past, I had used Chrome as an alternative to Safari when I needed to cross-check web rendering for building web sites, and more frequently, when logging into google-based accounts other than my main one, since Chrome does a better job of handling multiple windows for multiple google-based accounts. Otherwise, it was all safari, all the time.

Because of this behavior, and it’s faster rendering, I decided to give Chrome a shot as my primary browser. A serious shot.

So I moved all of my bookmarks over, and had at it. At first, all was well. In addition to the above mentioned advantages, I really liked how Command-clicking on nested links in my toolbar didn’t replace my window instead of adding new tabs. I also really liked not having to tab over to a separate search bar. 

I was enjoying it so much that I even went to the trouble of rearranging and slimming down my bookmarks.

You can almost hear the “but” coming.

First of all, there’s no way I can find or figure out to manually add a link to the default new-page “tab” view. It’s clumsy enough in Safari, requiring two windows, but it’s doable.

Secondly, the bookmark manager, while nice enough, just isn’t up to par with that in Safari, especially when you keep a running folder of “to look at” links that you regularly flush out. This is a matter of personal taste.

Thirdly – using Logmein (for several clients) effectively requires me to open up Firefox or Safari anyway.

Fourth – some pages like the app store management pages simply didn’t load quite right in Chrome.

Fifth – printouts did not get the web address posted into the header or the footer of the page like they do with Safari.

Sixth, while the plugin for 1Password generally worked flawlessly in Chrome, there were several sites that worked without hiccups in Safari that required me to disable features like auto-logon.

I could live without these features, but it was already a near-run thing, as the downsides began really encroaching on the reasons I really, really wanted to switch over in the first place.

So of course, Google decides that in the near future, for reasons of “openness”, Chrome will no longer support the video codec named H.264. They’re keeping Flash.

Yes, many in the geek crowd are aware that H.264, since it is not open-source, is subject to licensing terms and eventually, a possible royalty. But, as a result of the popularity of the iPhone and the iPad, almost anyone on the web serving video streams has their video encoded for H.264, while also wrapping it up in a flash player for computers with Flash installed.

Almost nobody, especially mobile devices like Android and the iPhone, support WebM or Ogg  that Google claims it wants to use (yet other video codecs that are theoreticallymore “open”).

So, in favor of “open-ness”, Google’s scrapping support for a video format that may have some encumbrances in favor of one who’s legal liability – while reasonably clean – is utterly unknown, and keeping support for a video and interactive programming system (Flash) that is utterly, totally proprietary and closed. This aside from how much of a utter resource hog Flash has historically been (in all fairness, it is getting better).

The practical upshot is, everyone hosting video likely will not be doubling their storage space just to support two video codecs when they can just keep their single codec and use flash for browsers like Chrome that do not support H.264.

And in the meantime, the very “open” standards that Chrome strove so hard to support (along with Safari and Firefox) will be undermined.

All by itself, despite how much of a bully Adobe has been with it’s single-handed control of the Flash format, I would not have cared enough to change. I don’t care about the politics of the company, I care about the best tool for the job, and in the computer biz, that changes monthly. Chrome is a great browser. There are plenty of people without my use case for whom it will continue to be a great, and preferred browser.

But as for me, I’m writing this out of Safari.

Tragedy, and Reason

A few days ago, on the 8th of January of this new year, we saw a tragedy that blew through the national news. The basic story: A madman of no discernible politics shot up a crowd, aiming first for a congresswoman who was out in public, meeting her constituents and shooting her in the head, and then gunning down a number of others. Among the dead was a 9-year-old girl, Christina, who was, ironically, born on 9/11/01 but seems to have packed quite a wonderful life into the intervening years. The congresswoman, Giffords, is currently recovering, though how far she recovers is still a great unknown.

Sadly, instead of honoring and reflecting upon our dead, the recriminations began flying, with many of the accusations pointing at the “angry tone” of “right-wing” rhetoric, and some idiots on the right pointing back at the left to lay blame above and beyond saying “it isn’t so.” Other’s have been inspired by the high level of emotion to propose legislation banning mere things that in and of themselves cannot act, while others have proposed to ban “violent” talk about politicians as if free speech itself were to blame.

Everybody needs to get a grip. At times blame needs to be assigned, but this wild fury of blame-throwing (and even some of the justified defensiveness) is specious and dishonors the lives and memories of the dead.

First of all, the ultimate blame lies with the person who made the decision to act, to not only carry a weapon, but to use it as an instrument of murder vice defense. With the man who decided to pull the trigger and unleash his anger with deadly force. As John Stewart pointed out, no matter how toxic you believe the political discourse is, blaming the actions of an arguable lunatic on said political discourse is simply irresponsible, and painting your political opponents as murderers secretly reveling and wishing for the death of their opponents hardly raises the level of discourse, no?

Many people my age may remember the old, cheesy “Chick” comic tracts – extremely fundamentalist comic strips that talked about how rock and roll was evil, etc. This was also the time period where the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game was controversial in christian circles because, supposedly, it lead to satanism and insanity. And yes, Chick argued just that. Many of us argued then that nutballs were simply nutballs, and if they didn’t latch onto D&D they’d find something else. Jodie Foster, or the Beatles perhaps. That is a fundmental human truth that has not changed.

It almost makes my posting from the 1st seem prophetic. You can tell some things about a person by who claims to be a friend or admirer, but only so much, as no-one can control who admires them, or why. We sure as heck don’t blame the Beatles for Charles Manson. 

The real measure of a person is who positions themselves as an enemy (and why), and who a person mutually treats as a friend – in other words, the company a person chooses to keep.

Ditto our shooter this last Saturday. An incoherent loner, a ranting person who described himself as wanting a gold standard, hated government, burned the american flag, liked Mein Kampf and the Communist Manifesto, and was waging a war on grammar. His fellow students and teachers were terrified of him and thought him dangerously unstable. If he had politics, it was somewhere beyond anarchist into chaotic.

Blaming people of a political party or faction because a lunatic chose to like some aspects of their political philosophy, especially when he believes many things entirely antithetical to that philosophy, and was not an accepted member of that group, is intellectual dishonesty of the first order. Does anyone seriously believe that a flag-burning lover of the Communist Manifesto who rants on grammar is a right winger? Painting people who as a matter of moral persuasion strongly believe in protecting innocents like Christina Green as encouraging this kind of behavior is a similar level of dishonesty. 

Given his favorite reading material, some have pointed blame at the left. Does anyone seriously believe this nut job was legitimately a member of any grouping on the left? Even the extremely radical terrorists of the last century like the Weather Underground and the Red Brigades needed their members to be reasonably sane.

Again, assuming you care about the civility of political discourse, this blame-throwing does nothing but poison said discourse unless the actual facts support it, and they don’t.

And while we’re at it, let’s be honest with ourselves about the discourse. Historically, the recent discourse is fairly tame, and sets no real high-water marks. Look at some of the political cartoons from the last couple centuries. Some may also remember  “Hey, hey, LBJ, how many kids have you killed today.”

And if you do think that using “sights” is unacceptably martial for political maps, then targets, the things you’re shooting at, are as well. This refers not only to Palin’s map, but to DNC maps re: republicans,  as well as democratic maps “targeting” Giffords in the 2010 primaries. If your standard is that shooting metaphors are wrong, you can’t pick and choose who you enforce the standard with without being at best partisan. Don’t argue that “targets” are better than “sights,” and don’t argue that crosshairs are actually “registration marks.”

Ditto with signs over the last decade at rallies. If a sign saying a president is socialist or fascist is unacceptable to you, then it’s not an “interesting metaphor’ when applied to a president you hate. Ditto with hanging in effigy. Movies about the assassination of the president are right out.

If you have a standard for what constitutes acceptable discourse, please apply it evenly. Address the idea and the policies, but not the person. Don’t hold people at fault simply because you hate them or what you believe they stand for.

Today is not the day to go into depth about politics being a “war” of sorts, complete with “campaigns”, where people decide who gets to write the laws that ultimately get enforced at the point of a gun. But one point must be made: the beauty of our system is at the end of the day, no matter what the results are, everyone feels like their point was heard, and goes home to try again the next round.

For that matter, today shouldn’t be the day we sit and argue about who is to blame, and I shouldn’t have to give a lesson on logic, civility, reason and the pointlessness or worse of painting those you disagree with as gleeful psychotics and idiots. It’s a tragedy, and these things, sadly, happen. As far as I can tell, the congresswoman, and many who were shot were good people who deserve our respect. As John Green, father of Christina said in this heart-breaking interview, this is the price we pay for living in a free society, and it beats the alternatives.

Let’s honor that, and deal with the lunatic as the time comes. As for everything else, well, standards are not something you exempt your friends from any more than you do your opponents. Let’s have some decency.

What You Don’t Do

Sometimes I can’t believe I first learned this concept from a Dilbert Cartoon. Even if desperate for work, you must realize what you don’t do. And learn to say “no.”

It’s not about being an ass. It’s about focus. It’s liberating, and counterintuitively, if delivered right, it can build trust.

It’s liberating because you don’t end up obligating yourself to commitments you’re not prepared to handle. Saying yes to things you can’t provide because of lack of tools or time, or because they are well outside of your experience places an immense burden upon you where you’re obligated to them. As long as you have the power to say “no” – your fate is in your hands, and you retain your own position of power in the negotiating process.

It builds trust because if you do make commitments you can’t keep because of conflicts with other commitments, or simply because it’s not your expertise, you end up setting yourself up for failure. Whereas saying “no” – if it comes from self-assurance, from the certain knowledge that here is your focus, and that what you’re being asked isn’t, that you can’t promise to deliver what they expect, you come across as mature, reliable, and a person who makes good judgements about the proper tool for the job.

If you think I’m kidding, we landed a long-term client because after looking the location over, we told them up front that we weren’t experts on everything they had on site, and weren’t sure they were a good fit for us. They decided they didn’t really need some of the other services, but really needed what we could provide.

When you’re in consulting, you trade on your reputation, and like life in general, on the perception of your reliability. Showing good judgment by saying “I’m not the man for the job, but I think he is” goes a long way to building and maintaining that reputation when it comes sincerely.

As an aside – there are always gray areas. We ended up picking up that client and learned a lot from it – but a huge part of why we’re both happy with the relationship is because we both understood what we could provide and what they expected from the beginning. At the same time, you shouldn’t stagnate – always push the boundaries a little bit to step outside of your comfort zone and learn something new. But never lose your focus. Know what you do, be prepared to tell people what you don’t do – and offer to help them find someone who’s a better fit. 

If they’re talking to you already, the odds are you’re close enough to what they are looking for that you can probably be a huge help for them – even if it’s pointing them to someone who really fits their needs.

Coaches, Wisdom, Challenges, and Success.

Mike, a friend of mine told a story and asked a question. The story? A young man, hooked on playing football, goes through numerous failures. Over and over again he fails, is tackled, injured, hurt. He slams into the unforgiving earth, he bleeds, he is covered in mud and sweat, grime and spit. And the coach keeps pushing him – pushing him on. The kid keeps going on little more than faith. Faith that if he keeps trying, if he doesn’t stop running, doesn’t stop moving, no matter how hard he’s blocked, he can make it, he will make it. Because the coach said so.

And yet again, he fails – over and over. 

And he keeps trying, facing down the desire to quit, the pain, the suffering on, at times, little more than a bare thread of faith and dogged will. 

And yet. And yet.

There is a paradox. You have a gigantic heap of sand in your driveway. Your neighbors, your friends, your wife, your kids – they all stand about this massive, gigantic heap and proclaim that yea – it is a gigantic heap of sand and no mere pile. Pulling out but one speck, one grain of silica makes it no less a gigantic heap, and neither does pulling out the next, or the next, for at each point the neighbors, the kids, the friends, and all the gathered busybodies proclaim that lo, it is still a gigantic heap of sand and no mere pile.

No-one can draw the line at which removing but one tan, translucent grain of silica turns the gigantic heap into a pile. And yet, at some point, you look around, and realize that the once large gigantic heap now is but a mere pile. Wherever that line was, it was crossed a long time ago.

One day, invisibly crossing a faint line that cannot be seen, everything starts coming together. The boy starts to truly perform. He “keeps on choppin.’” – And he sees results. And then, he breaks through. 

He achieves his goal.

The question becomes: “Now What?”

What do you say to this young man? What do you say when he comes off the field? What is the paradox? What dilemmas does he now face? Why do others choose a different path instead?

I cheated, and added a bit. I also need to take a few side trips into wisdom, storytelling and sequels, but it’s all relevant. 

A caveat – I don’t know this boy, this man becoming. He could be anyone. All such advice is dependent on too many variables to predict. And yet – some truths re universal, or at least generally so. 

As we grow older we get cynical. It’s all too easy to remember that the good guy doesn’t always win, that everyone has their faults and imperfections. Those cynics, those that hate to think of the glory we are capable of, who tear heroes down via their failures in order to stand at the same level, are a poison. Being a hero isn’t about perfection, it’s about risking your life and facing danger in striving toward an ideal. It’s about standing fast on principle, and meeting a standard, and in some small way surpassing our humanity despite our other faults. Do we choose to look at our lives as a list of the things we’ve failed at, or a list of thing’s we’ve accomplished – with plenty of “interesting times” and bad examples not to emulate again?

Faith – faith that, despite the repeated failures, that the seeds of heroism lie in all of us if we but try. That we can at times approach the divine, and transcend our humanity in some small way. That in the wreckage, and blood and pain we find not despair but hope – and the will to go on.

This heroism, this struggle, this transcendence needs to be recognized and praised. It must be nurtured. And so we praise him. And this praise, coming from the man who’s standards he never quite met, who kept pushing him to try over and over again through the example that he could do it, will mean more than gold, more than wine, women, and song.

And it is this very struggle that shaped the man, that allowed him to make those small, incremental improvements, that molded him, toughened him, forged him, until he broke through and transcended his limitations. And he finds himself standing there, getting praise from his coach, knowing that he made it there, and never quite knowing when he took that step that made it.

The man now has a living, breathing example that he can face adversity and win. Maybe not always, certainly not always, but eventually, if he never lets go, he can win, or die trying.

And here lies the trap. 

The buddhists take the attitude that life is pain. A popular powerpoint presentation making the email rounds made the point that “assisting” a butterfly in its’ struggles to break free of the cocoon instead cripples it, as that very struggle is needed to develop its wings. And yet we want everything to be easy.

Despite the success and the clear path of how he got there, it is far too easy to rest on his laurels. He has succeeded. He has overcome! He won! Woo Hoo! He’s going to Disney World!

And if he’s like all too many stereotypical high school football stars, or like your standard-issue teen pop music/child actor celebrity, his life will implode.

He must immediately be presented with a new challenge. Any challenge, as long as it forces him out of his comfort zone and forces him to learn.

Something to focus on.

He’s gained some wisdom, and is perilously close to throwing it away. Invest a bit more wisdom in him that yet again, if he trusts you, and in this context he will now trust you more than ever, may save him until he learns from personal experience the why of what you are telling him to do. 

So go ahead. Take that break. Then have him get back on the damned horse, and ride! Push the envelope. Find another struggle where he can say “by God I accomplished something.”

But what struggle?

Here we turn to storytelling, and sequels. One trick to make things more bearable, that kids almost instinctively do, is to act like their heroes, to act as if they are the heroes in a story. Superman, the Lone Ranger, the super secret agent. (In this context, it begins to make you wonder about a lot of our sports heroes, celebs, and teen idols as role models, eh? It gets worse when you consider how many teen-oriented shows make the adults out to be idiots…..).

Part of why this works is because kids know the hero is supposed to struggle. If you are the protagonist, the hero in your very own story arc – unless your tastes run to the post-modern and nihilistic – you will instinctively start looking for solutions to the problems, and be more willing to face the problems.

The problem with sequels as a metaphor is Hollywood disease. Every sequel has to be bigger, better, louder, and with more explosions. Instead, I’ll turn to the authors who helm the podcast “Writing Excuses” (“Fifteen minutes, because you’re in a hurry, and they’re not that smart.”). All you need is a challenge. Any challenge, as long as it makes you focus, as long as it makes you learn something new, as long as it makes you grow.

So no, if you won the game, you don’t have to win the state finals or the superbowl (though those are worthy goals in and of themselves). Saving the world doesn’t require you to save the galaxy the next time out.

It can be as simple as finally getting your head wrapped around algebra, or grammar, while not slacking off on the football.

As one of my favorite bands put it:

There is no love untouched by hate
no unity without discord
there is no courage without fear
there is no peace without a war
there is no wisdom without regret
no admiration without scorn

(The Cruxshadows, “Eye of the Storm”, from DreamCypher)

It’s pointless to avoid struggle. Embrace it, face it, learn from it.

Addendum: Mike Bronco, the guy who originally asked the question that inspired this, is a all-around great guy and fitness instructor originally from Jersey. He’s got a book coming out called Man School, about the obvious, but sublimely so. It’s filled with real-life examples, good advice, and a ton of tales passed down from his Dad, Grandad, and uncles. 


Recently stumbled into this excellent programming related article on how to make iOS apps handicapped “accessible.” 

If you’re interested in programming for the iOS, you should read it. What’s interesting to note for everyone else though is this point – how easy it is for visually impaired people to use iOS (iPhone, iPad) devices, how much of that support is just simply “there” courtesy of the standard Apple interface toolkit, and how easy it is to make that support complete for many utility apps.

A number of the biggest iPhone/iPad fans I know of are visually impaired.

2001 Forever

With a tip to the excellent Daring Fireball where I heard this story, It seems that a) 17+ minutes of “lost” footage from the classic SciFi movie 2001 has been “found,” and b) That Warner Brothers has no intention of making an expanded edit of 2001. To wit: 

“The additional footage from 2001: A Space Odyssey has always existed in the Warner vaults. When [director Stanley] Kubrick trimmed the 17 minutes from 2001 after the NY premiere, he made it clear the shortened version was his final edit. The film is as he wanted it to be presented and preserved and Warner Home Video has no plans to expand or revise Mr. Kubrick’s vision.”

There are people violently averse to re-issues and post-facto changes and modified “editors cuts – and George Lucas is probably to blame for a lot of that. There are those that relish seeing “what the editor intended.”

For me, it depends. 

On one hand, the extended editions of The Abyss, and Blade Runner, already long movies, a) were in line with what the director wanted to do in the first place, and b) clarified or improved the story. Story elements that were vague, or unclear after the supporting information was edited out were made clear once more without having to read the excellent Orson Scott Card companion novel.

On the other hand, despite enjoying the improved FX in the Star Wars trilogy rerelease and the scene where Solo negotiates with Jabba that had been in the novel since day one, George went back and fundamentally changed the nature of Han Solo’s character by changing a scene after the fact in a way that had nothing to do with time, studio, or FX limitations.

In most cases, I’d side with the Director (and even Lucas has the right to do what he wishes with his movies), and I’m glad that here, Warner chose to say that the director put down his vision, and they’re sticking with it.